Sunday, October 30, 2011

Shattered Glas

Erika La Tour Eiffel, 37, a former soldier who lives in San Francisco, has been in love with objects before. Her first infatuation was with Lance, a bow that helped her to become a world-class archer, she is fond of the Berlin Wall and she claims to have a physical relationship with a piece of fence she keeps in her bedroom.  But it is the Eiffel Tower she has pledged to love, honour and obey in an intimate ceremony attended by a handful of friends.   She has changed her name legally to reflect the bond.  "I just don't understand how some people can bring someone into the world like a child - an object - and then not love them," she said.  She explained that she feels an affinity with the wall: "I am the Berlin Wall. Hate me, try to break me apart, but I will still be here, standing."  She blames her upbringing for her condition. She claims to have been molested by her half-brother and abandoned by her parents to various foster homes.  "If I am the way I am today because of everything that happened to me, then I'm alright with it," she said. "I wouldn't change who I am now."  "Someone who falls in love with objects can control that relationship on their own terms," he said. "Their objects will not let them down. That is extremely attractive for a person who is otherwise often desperately lonely." Is this story true?  Check out with video:

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