I have always been told when you truly have something to say, speak softly. When people yell it tends to turn others off. This is what happened to me during our documentary week. I am currently one class away from a Political Science minor here at The College of Saint Scholastica (the college does not offer this field as a major.) I would say through my classes and my own research I am fairly informed about American politics. After only a few minutes of the first two documentaries I was turned off. The documentary continuously played a scene from Pittsburg where police violence took place. Unfortunately the constant image of police brutality and burning constitutions do not work for me. These images may inspire fear in some but come on now.
After a little research I discovered that if we believed what Jones is saying then this is what our 2010 should have consisted of. If everything Alex Jones warned us about had actually occurred last year, this is what 2010 would have looked like...
As a continuation of The Great Swine Flu Plot, which commenced in the autumn of '09, nearly every American was forcibly inoculated with the H1N1 vaccine, which of course killed and injured a vast number of them. The dead were dumped into mass graves, incinerated, or buried in plastic FEMA coffins (otherwise known as vault liners). The holdouts and survivors, however, staged massive protests that resulted in the institution of nationwide martial law, administered by NORTHCOM and Americorps volunteers (AKA "Obama's thugs"). Dissidents were rounded up at their local post offices and confined to FEMA concentration camps, where they remain.
All of this happened, in part, because Americans voted in as president the Kenyan-born Communist Barry Soetoro. If they had opted for Ron Paul, the New World Order would have been stopped in its tracks and pot would be legal. (Buy gold.)
Meanwhile, the government ramped up its decades-long depopulation policy by slipping sterilizing agents into municipal drinking water supplies, as per John Holdren's instructions (included in a 1970s textbook, but kept on a shelf until the moment was right). Fluoride, plastics, aspartame, intentionally contaminated Chinese products, sunscreen, genetically modified corn, body scanners, all vaccines, Obamacare death panels, and most prescription medicines are slowly killing the rest of us as I write this, with the help of Pentagon-produced progaganda like the cartoon Squidbillies. But filterless cigarettes, massive alcohol consumption, meat products, environmental pollution caused by under-regulated industry, and preventable diseases are not killing significant numbers of North Americans. Those things are mostly okay. (Buy gold.)
By this time, the few Americans left alive and unincarcerated had helplessly witnessed the passage of bank bailouts, carbon taxation, the Clean Water Restoration Act, government healthcare, and hate crime legislation that basically stripped them of all rights and paved the way for a U.S. takeover by the United Nations. Today, the U.S. is a fully-owned subsidiary of the UN.
Worldwide, millions died as a direct result of carbon taxation. I'm not sure exactly how, but they did. (Buy gold.)
In the summer of 2010, the New World Order takeover plan was beginning to drag a bit. Tea Partiers, Patriots, and Alex Jones fans were making things difficult for the plotters. So they blew up several IRS offices in the U.S. and blamed the attacks on prominent Tea Party activists and tax protesters. These people are now in FEMA camps. (Buy gold.)
The depopulation agenda continues apace. Soon, up to 99% of the world's population will be dead and the elite will be able to sit around and gloat over their global domination. They can continue their transhumanistic, technocratic agenda in peace and quiet. Twenty years from now, Bill and Melinda Gates will have total control of the weather.
But the Spirt of 1776 just refuses to die, so all is not lost. There were stupendous advances in science, economics, and education throughout 2010:
· Leonard Horowitz invented OxySilver, which "electronically zaps pathogens, and is a good replacement for vaccination." I don't quite understand how this zappy-thingy could possibly prevent viral infection, since it only zaps pathogens that are already in the body. But I'm not a genius like Dr. Horowitz, the man who taught us all about serial killer dentists and the New World Order's instruction manual Report from Iron Mountain.
· The final solution to the (intentionally created) economic meltdown was presented to the world in a single feature-length documentary produced and directed by people who aren't even economists.
· We learned that Hitler was on the MI5 payroll. The media told us Mussolini was on the MI5 payroll, but Alex Jones told us it was Hitler. So it was definitely Hitler.
· The Alex Jones documentary Police State 4 was released. After watching it, "You'll basically have a master's degree in the police state takeover." Unfortunately, nationwide martial law had already been established by the time the DVD went on sale.
· To the delight of Jason Bermas, the "fat cops" who arrested him at the G20 summit protests all died as a direct result of the elites' depopulation agenda. Bermas had a good laugh.
· All climate change was exposed as a tax-grabbing fraud. This means that nearly all environmental regulations, sustainability measures, and "green" solutions are total crap. Exept for those solar panels GCN advertises.
· Even though you'll be dead soon and you're probably already sterile from eating corn chips and drinking tapwater, you'll be able to ride your motorcycle in comfort thanks to jeans with a diamond gusset in the crotch, where you need it most.
On the global front, Wikileaks undermined the illegal wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq with leaked diplomatic memos and video footage of civilian deaths. But that's not really a good thing, because Julian Assange's former stepdad was once in a cult and George Soros might have some behind-the-scenes involvement in Wikileaks - so Assange can't be trusted. The unknown Climategate hackers can be trusted, however.
Not that any of this matters now. Like I said, we'll all be dead soon. (http://leavingalexjonestown.blogspot.com/2011/01/2010-imaginary-year-in-review.html)
Yeah if this does not say it all then I do not know what else would. There may be a few valid points that Jones has. However, he may have taken them a bit far. I tended to believe Food Incorporated more than the other documentaries. I know that this is an issue in our food industry and that is why when I am at home I do not eat anything unless I know where it comes from (that is a little harder to do at college.) I also believed it more because it showed actual evidence of the points it was trying to convey.
To me opinions all come down to how strongly you feel about something. As sad as this is to say, I don’t really care. If there is some secret group that is going to take over the world then there is not a whole lot I can do about it. I am just going to hope that they like me and continue to live in my own little world because I like it here. World peace everybody!
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